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Another recruitment for this program began on March 31, 2021, but under new conditions.  

Applications are accepted until funds are exhausted, and the amount available at the time of announcement is PLN 142,087,300. The STOP SMOG program is dedicated to municipalities in which anti-smog laws are already in force, widely published on the websites of provincial assemblies. In the STOP SMOG program, the commune is the direct beneficiary and applies for financial support, and will transfer the funds obtained to its residents who are owners (or co-owners) of single-family residential buildings. The program can be joined by municipal and district governments, inter-municipal or metropolitan associations (in Silesia), which will be able to replace inefficient heating devices in their municipalities through the program. It is worth noting that several dozen municipal governments are already interested in the new STOP SMOG program.


The purpose of the programis the liquidation of old heat sources and thermal modernization of buildings.  

Program scope is implemented in single-family residential buildings and applies to:  

  • replacing or eliminating high-emission heat sources with low-emission ones
  • thermal modernization
  • connections to the heating or gas network
  • providing buildings with access to energy from renewable energy installations
  • reducing the demand of single-family residential buildings for energy supplied for their heating and domestic water heating


Project duration: 

  • up to 3 years from the date of conclusion of the agreement, in the case of the implementation of low-emission projects in a number not exceeding 2% of the total number of single-family residential buildings in the commune area
  • up to 4 years from the date of conclusion of the agreement, in the case of the implementation of low-emission projects in a number greater than 2% of the total number of single-family residential buildings in the commune area


The form of support is co-financing:

  • for municipalities up to PLN 100,000 residents: up to 70% co-financing,
  • for communes with over 100,000 inhabitants residents: less than 70% co-financing,
  • the average cost of implementing a low-emission project in one building, and in the case of a building with two premises – in one premises, may not exceed PLN 53,000.


DEFRO’s offer for the program: Devices dedicated to the STOP SMOG and CLEAN AIR programs are available at:,115,program-czyste-powietrze.html


If you are interested, please contact the organizer:

Basic information about recruitment to the program is published on the organizer’s website: .

There are auxiliary tools in the form of downloadable materials, regulations and instructions for completing and submitting applications.

In addition, the program organizer took care to co-create a common list of the so-called “Green Devices and Materials” (ZUM), which meet the technical requirements specified in the program.

The UTI list is currently being prepared and co-created by producers, and once it is created, it will be an ideal aid in selecting heating devices eligible for co-financing. The devices included in the UTI list are verified for emission tests and meet the conditions of the “Clean Air” program.

Direct e-mail


Legal basis:

  • Act of November 21, 2008 on supporting thermal modernization and renovations and on the central register of building emission (Journal of Laws of 2020, items 22, 284, 412 and 2127)
  • Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment of December 28 on the template application for concluding an agreement for the implementation of a low-emission project (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 2440)
  • Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment on a template declaration on own funds and property resources of a person submitting an application to conclude an agreement for the implementation of a low-emission project (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 2447)


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If you want to install a new heat source, it is worth paying attention to DEFRO devices, a Polish manufacturer with many years of experience in the heating industry. Our specialists will help you choose the right boiler and its power, and distributors and installers will take care of the assembly and commissioning, and all you need to do is enjoy the warmth and comfort. The distribution network of our products is divided into regions for which managers and salespeople are responsible.

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