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Defro Pure Warmth

What is the cost of a heat pump?

By using renewable energy sources to heat your home, you can not only help save the climate but also save a lot! Install a heat pump at home to use inexhaustible energy resources from the natural environment!

What is a heat pump?

It is a thermal machine that forces the flow of thermal energy from an area with a lower temperature to an area with a higher temperature – thus contrary to the natural direction of heat flow in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics. The process of reverse heat flow is possible thanks to external energy generated by the pump using an appropriate medium.

Investing in a heat pump

What is the cost of a heat pump? As for DEFRO DHP PREMIUM prices, please review the offer available here. However, it should be remembered that the cost of installing a heating system with an air heat pump depends not only on the price of the pump itself, but also on other factors – e.g. the energy class of the building, its location, the individual needs of the person ordering the pump and the possibility of financing.

Jednorazowy wydatek początkowy może wydawać się spory. However, it is worth remembering that the cost of heating a house is not only the one-time cost of installing a given heating system – but primarily the cost of its operation. And in the case of a heat pump, it is economical. At the same time, the device is very ecological.

Does a heat pump use a lot of electricity?

No – DEFRO devices use up to half as much electricity as a standard electric central heating system. How is this possible? The heat pump has a higher so-called efficiency factor compared to a standard central heating installation. This is precisely about the Coefficient of Performance (COP). This is the efficiency coefficient expressing the ratio of the amount of heat supplied to the amount of energy from an external source (electricity, gas, etc.) consumed by the pump. The higher this coefficient, the less energy required from an external power source, for which we pay, is required to obtain the same amount of heat.

Thus, the DEFRO DHP PREMIUM air heat pump, powered by electricity, is able to generate thermal energy of 12 kW, with a COP of 4.8. This is a very good result. Meanwhile, the COP of a standard central heating installation can theoretically be equal to 1 at best. This is because, according to the law of conservation of energy, a standard installation must absorb at least as much energy from an external source as it emits heat. In practice, even the most efficient standard installation must absorb more energy from an external source than it gives off in the form of heat – part of the external energy in the heat generation process will be lost and dissipated in the form of e.g. light energy.

This is why the annual heating costs of a building with an area of approx. 200 m² with an installation with a heat pump installed are on average PLN 1,500. Even now, in times of lack of stabilization on the energy price market.

Take advantage of funding!

The costs of installing a modern heating system with a heat pump can now be significantly reduced. The government’s “Clean Air” program allows you to obtain funding for the installation of a heat pump of up to 27,000. PLN! Such a large subsidy, combined with the low costs of heating a house with a heat pump, means that the investment in such a device can pay off in just 5 years!

What more could you want? Probably only a proven, high-class device from a Polish manufacturer. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the DEFRO brand offer to find a heat pump that meets your requirements today!

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Do you need device selection?

If you want to install a new heat source, it is worth paying attention to DEFRO devices, a Polish manufacturer with many years of experience in the heating industry. Our specialists will help you choose the right boiler and its power, and distributors and installers will take care of the assembly and commissioning, and all you need to do is enjoy the warmth and comfort. The distribution network of our products is divided into regions for which managers and salespeople are responsible.

Switch to an ecological and economical solution

The best heating pumps on the market

DEFRO DHP PREMIUM is the latest generation device, created especially for Europe climatic conditions. It is also the first Polish plug-in heat pump, which means it is child’s play to install.

High quality
The best components
The best, experienced, fast device service
The best heating pumps on the market
Trust professional advice and a high-quality device

Recuperation + free device selection

The DEFRO air handling unit is perfect for maintaining high air quality in your home. With advanced technology and energy efficiency, DRX not only provides comfort, but also savings in the long run, creating a friendly environment for your family.

High quality
The best components
The best, experienced, fast device service