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Defro Pure Warmth

Financing for the replacement of a heat source

In this article, you will learn what the “Clean Air” program is and how to receive a subsidy of up to 69,000 PLN. We also explain how the “My Warmth” program will be addressed and how the “Stop Smog” program works. Read on!

DEFRO brand devices are covered by the nationwide Clean Air and “My Heat” programs. This means that we can receive quite large funding for their purchase and installation. At what height and for which device? We give you a hint! Comfortable to use, modern
and ecological DEFRO devices, for which high subsidies are granted, are an excellent solution both for new construction and for replacing an old heat source in an existing heating installation. What conditions must be met and why is it worth investing in modern solutions?

The Clean Air Program – what is it?

“Clean Air” is a nationwide program aimed at combating smog. As explained by the Ministry of Climate and Environment, “activities under the program are aimed at improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by replacing heat sources and improving the energy efficiency of single-family residential buildings.” The basis for these activities will be subsidies for investments made by households that will qualify for the program. The initiative provides funding in three dimensions – basic, increased and highest.

Before we tell you what kind of funding you can receive and in what amount, let’s stop for a moment on the topic of air pollution itself, which has such a significant impact on our health.
and especially the health of our children. The concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 suspended dust, which are harmful to health, can be reduced by large-scale replacement of old, inefficient heat sources with devices that meet emission requirements. They include: pellet boilers or heat pumps.
The “Clean Heat” program is open to owners or co-owners of single-family buildings and people who have permission to build a single-family house, meeting the requirements set by the Ministry (you can check them here).

Funding under the program is divided into three levels:

  • The first one concerns projects involving the dismantling of an ineffective solid fuel heat source and the purchase and installation of an air-water heat pump or a ground heat pump for heating or heating and domestic hot water purposes. In total, at this level, if you meet certain conditions (available here), you can receive up to 30 000 PLN subsidy.
  • The increased level of co-financing covers projects covering the dismantling of an ineffective solid fuel heat source and the purchase and installation of a heat source for heating or heating and domestic hot water purposes. or purchase and installation of a gas boiler room within the meaning of the program. Additional investments may also be made, which are specified in the program rules (more here). At this level of financing, the total can be received up to 37 000 PLN subsidy.
  • The highest level of co-financing also covers the replacement of ineffective heat sources with new ones, but here, after meeting certain requirements by the beneficiaries, it is possible to obtain upto 69 000 PLN subsidy. You can read all the conditions regarding the rules for granting subsidies on the website of the Ministry of the Environment.

It is also worth remembering that subsidies under the Clean Air program can be combined with the thermal modernization tax relief, effective from January 1, 2019.

“My Heat” program – support for investments in a heat pump

The program will be implemented between the first and second quarter of this year and is responsible for the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. As part of the project, it will be possible to apply for subsidies for the purchase and installation of heat pumps in single-family houses with a higher energy standard. In the first year of operation of the program, there will be a requirement for non-renewable primary energy of at least 63 kWh/m2 of the building per year, and in subsequent years this requirement will be tightened to 55 kWh/m2 of the building per year.

In what situations will you be able to apply for a grant? “Moje Ciepło” is an initiative covering single-family houses under construction and those for which the notification of construction completion was submitted after January 1, 2021. The program also includes houses that applied for an occupancy permit before the same date. “Moje Ciepło” is addressed to families living in houses, it is a program of owners or co-owners of single-family houses under construction or houses where a notice of completion of construction or an application for an occupancy permit was submitted no earlier than January 1, 2021.

The maximum subsidy for one installation will be 21,000 PLN in the case of ground pumps and 7,000 PLN in the case of air pumps. The subsidy will cover up to 30% of eligible project costs,
depending on the type of heat pump used. Costs included in the program must be incurred from January 1, 2021. until December 31, 2026 The funding will be paid after the investment is completed.

The “Stop Smog” program was created for the least affluent owners of single-family houses.

The program is implemented by municipalities or inter-municipal associations. The recruitment of local governments interested in joining the program is carried out by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. To receive a subsidy from the Thermal Modernization and Renovation Fund, the commune applying for funding must be located in a region where an anti-smog resolution has been adopted. You can get funds of up to 70% of eligible costs.

“Stop Smog” is a program that aims to improve the quality of atmospheric air by reducing exhaust emissions and to increase the energy efficiency of households by conducting initiatives promoting low-emission for the less affluent. Apart from private houses, the “Stop Smog” program provides for the revitalization of heating solutions in every residential building within the commune.

The scope of the projects includes replacing or eliminating high-emission heat sources with low-emission ones, thermal modernization, connection to the heating or gas network, providing buildings with access to energy from renewable energy installations, and initiatives aimed at reducing the demand of households for heating energy and water heating.

The amount of co-financing will be up to 70% of co-financing. The average cost of implementing a low-emission project in one building, or in the case of a building with two premises – in one premises, cannot exceed PLN 53,000. Depending on the regulations adopted, municipalities cover at least 20% of the eligible costs of the project. The program budget is PLN 698 million. The deadline for signing agreements with municipalities is the end of 2024.

Why is it worth replacing an old boiler with a pellet one?

The DEFRO pellet boiler offers many benefits. The type of fuel used is biomass in the form of granules, which produces a small amount of ash.

Moreover, the pellet device has many functions that facilitate and automate its operation. Thanks to extensive automation, it can, for example, turn on and off automatically. Control is also very easy and intuitive, and you can even use a smartphone.

Also when it comes to heating costs, a pellet boiler is very favorable. In addition, the initial investment cost is also relatively low, and its use is more convenient than
in the case of a feed boiler. Are you looking for a high-quality pellet device at a good price and want to benefit from professional advice? Enter here

Who is a heat pump for?

DEFRO air heat pumps can be installed almost anywhere. They do not produce exhaust gases and therefore do not contribute to smog. Other advantages are that they do not produce ash or other pollutants and do not require a separate place for fuel. These are devices that will meet the expectations of the most demanding users, as well as those who care about taking care of the environment.

In addition, pumps are fully automated devices, and therefore maintenance-free, so it is difficult to compare them with cumbersome-to-operate feed boilers. They are also more comfortable than, for example, eco-pea coal boilers, and thanks to their modern design, they look better. What’s more, these devices are very ecological. You can find DEFRO heat pumps here

We invite you to consult and choose a device that will meet your expectations.

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Do you need device selection?

If you want to install a new heat source, it is worth paying attention to DEFRO devices, a Polish manufacturer with many years of experience in the heating industry. Our specialists will help you choose the right boiler and its power, and distributors and installers will take care of the assembly and commissioning, and all you need to do is enjoy the warmth and comfort. The distribution network of our products is divided into regions for which managers and salespeople are responsible.

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