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Always fresh air at home

We all know how important the air we breathe at home is. It is not only a place of rest, but increasingly also of our work. DEFRO AIR ventilation units are modern devices that continuously supply fresh air to our rooms. Additionally, heat recovery increases the comfort of people staying in closed premises, while taking care of their health – it prevents the formation of fungi and mold.

Recuperators are mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. Their task is to ensure proper air circulation, usually between rooms and outdoor spaces. Properly functioning ventilation removes "stale air" and provides "fresh" air, so it is necessary in rooms where people spend their daily lives. Additionally, thanks to recuperation, we are able to recover some of the energy thrown outside. Heat recovery takes place in the heat exchanger, where the air removed from the apartment carries energy and gives it to the supply air. The efficiency of the exchanger reaches up to 95%. The components of a recuperator are generally four channels: intake, exhaust, supply to the rooms and exhaust from the rooms. Fresh air is a factor that significantly affects the well-being of household members. Regularly ventilated rooms are part of the daily routine, but they often involve some inconvenience. In winter - rapid cooling of rooms, in summer - excess of insects. Additionally, opening windows throughout the year may result in unpleasant odors coming from outside and often cause significant pollution. Air circulation is extremely important for the proper functioning of the human body. A solution that is practical and useful is the installation of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. What is the price of recuperation? Is this a reasonable purchase, both economically and functionally? To select the perfect model for the needs of a specific building, use the help of a qualified consultant. We also recommend that interested people use the free selection service of a recuperator and the DEFRO AIR air distribution system, which can be obtained by completing the form available on the website.
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Do you need device selection?

If you want to install a new heat source, it is worth paying attention to DEFRO devices, a Polish manufacturer with many years of experience in the heating industry. Our specialists will help you choose the right boiler and its power, and distributors and installers will take care of the assembly and commissioning, and all you need to do is enjoy the warmth and comfort. The distribution network of our products is divided into regions for which managers and salespeople are responsible.

Switch to an ecological and economical solution

The best heating pumps on the market

DEFRO DHP PREMIUM is the latest generation device, created especially for Europe climatic conditions. It is also the first Polish plug-in heat pump, which means it is child’s play to install.

High quality
The best components
The best, experienced, fast device service
The best heating pumps on the market
Trust professional advice and a high-quality device

Recuperation + free device selection

The DEFRO air handling unit is perfect for maintaining high air quality in your home. With advanced technology and energy efficiency, DRX not only provides comfort, but also savings in the long run, creating a friendly environment for your family.

High quality
The best components
The best, experienced, fast device service